  • 390709-904592_x200

Schwaben Rear Trailing Arm Bushing Tool - E36 E46 Z4 E83


Part#: 020610SCH01A

113,00 $
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This tool makes it easy to press old rear trailing arm bushings (RTAB) out and install the new bushings. This RTAB tool is like a clamp with a puller that draws the bushing through the trailing arm. With the tool positioned on the trailing, simply turn the stud to pull the bushing out. This tool will save you time, money, and hassle on your RTAB DIY job.

Note: this tool works with bushings that are not an interference fit in the trailing arm. Interference bushings need to be compressed and then pressed into the arm. They can be identified by splits in the outer case.

Détails du produit
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